
class Data extends BaseAttribute

Data inherits all the properties from BaseAttribute

The data property of a dataset for a bar chart is specified as an array of numbers. Each point in the data array corresponds to the label at the same index on the x axis. Data components are included inside Datasets. They represent different sets of data that will be displayed in the chart


Attribute name Type Default Description Chart
backgroundColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The bar background color. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
borderAlign string 'center' The border alignment ('center' or 'inner') Doughnut, Pie, Polar area
borderCapStyle string 'butt' Cap style of the line Line, Radar
borderColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The bar border color. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
borderDash number[] [] Length and spacing of dashes. Line, Radar
borderDashOffset number 0 Offset for line dashes. Line, Radar
borderJoinStyle string 'miter' Line joint style. Line, Radar
borderSkipped string 'bottom' This setting is used to avoid drawing the bar stroke at the base of the fill ('bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right', false) Bar
borderWidth number 3 The bar border width (in pixels). Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
clip number/object borderWidth / 2 How to clip relative to chartArea. Positive value allows overflow, negative value clips that many pixels inside chartArea. 0 = clip at chartArea. Clipping can also be configured per side: clip: {left: 5, top: false, right: -2, bottom: 0} Line
cubicInterpolationMode string 'default' The following interpolation modes are supported: ('default, 'monotone') Line
detail (required) object[] An array containing the data to be displayed in the chart All
fill boolean/string true Whether to fill the area under the line Line, Radar
hitRadius number 1 Bubble additional radius for hit detection (in pixels). Bubble
hoverBackgroundColor Color undefined Background color when hovered. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
hoverBorderCapStyle string undefined Cap style of the line when hovered Line, Radar
hoverBorderColor Color undefined Border color when hovered. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
hoverBorderDash number[] undefined Length and spacing of dashes when hovered. Line, Radar
hoverBorderDashOffset number undefined Offset for line dashes when hovered. Line, Radar
hoverBorderJoinStyle string undefined Line joint style when hovered. Line, Radar
hoverBorderWidth number undefined The bar border width (in pixels) when hovered. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
hoverRadius number 4 Bubble additional radius when hovered (in pixels). Bubble
label string '' The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips. Line, Bar, Radar, Bubble
lineTension number 0.4 Bezier curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straightlines. This option is ignored if monotone cubic interpolation is used. Line, Radar
order number 0 The drawing order of dataset. Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend. Line, Bar, Radar, Bubble
pointBackgroundColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The fill color for points. Line, Radar
pointBorderColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The border color for points. Line, Radar
pointBorderWidth number 1 The width of the point border in pixels. Line, Radar
pointHitRadius number 1 The pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events. Line, Radar
pointHoverBackgroundColor Color undefined The bar background color when hovered. Line, Radar
pointHoverBorderColor Color undefined The bar border color when hovered. Line, Radar
pointHoverBorderWidth number 1 The bar border width when hovered (in pixels). Line, Radar
pointHoverRadius number 4 The radius of the point when hovered. Line, Radar
pointRadius number 3 The radius of the point shape. If set to 0, the point is not rendered. Line, Radar
pointRotation number 0 The rotation of the point in degrees. Line, Radar
pointStyle string/Image 'circle' Style of the point. Line, Radar, Bubble
radius number 3 Bubble radius (in pixels). Bubble
rotation number 0 Bubble rotation (in degrees). Bubble
showLine boolean undefined If false, the line is not drawn for this dataset. Line
spanGaps boolean undefined If true, lines will be drawn between points with no or null data. If false, points with NaN data will create a break in the line. Line, Radar
stack string undefined The ID of the group to which this dataset belongs to (when stacked, each group will be a separate stack). Bar
steppedLine boolean/string false The following values are supported for steppedLine: (false, true, 'before', 'after', 'middle') Line
weight number 1 The relative thickness of the dataset. Providing a value for weight will cause the pie or doughnut dataset to be drawn with a thickness relative to the sum of all the dataset weight values. Doughnut, Pie
xAxisID string first x axis The ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on. Line, Bar
yAxisID string first y axis The ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on. Line, Bar


This setting is used to avoid drawing the bar stroke at the base of the fill. In general, this does not need to be changed except when creating chart types that derive from a bar chart.

Note: for negative bars in vertical chart, top and bottom are flipped. Same goes for left and right in horizontal chart.

Options are:


If this value is a number, it is applied to all sides of the rectangle (left, top, right, bottom), except borderSkipped. If this value is an object, the left property defines the left border width. Similarly the right, top and bottom properties can also be specified. Omitted borders and borderSkipped are skipped.


      detail="[28, 48, 40, 19, 96, 27, 100]"